Learning app developer hero needed


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Job offer in our non-governmental organisation – flexible and intercultural with a social component

Working student or part time opportunity for a learning app developer.

We are looking for new game developers from December 2021 as temporary staff to complement our team.

The main tasks are:

    1. Elementary knowledge of game development
  •    2. Programming language C #

  •    3. Git / Github knowledge

  •    4. (optional but recommended) Knowledge of the Unity Framework

Do you find it good to be independent for the implementation and handling of your own work areas? Become a member of our team! We look forward to receiving your application!

Requirement profile:

Young professionals with a passion for learning apps

We keep our eyes on motivated team members who like to think outside the box and who want to work together with an ambitious intercultural team.

Do you have …

  • Experience in game development?

  • good knowledge of the C # programming language?

  • Heart for digital education

Then send us your application immediately! We are all ears for what you bring!

Advertisement data

Type of employment:
Working student

Period of employment
We are happy to align ourselves with you!

We honor quality, honesty and the willingness to bring the team forward

Application email


Get in touch

email: info@viasd.de

tel: 06151 627 47 39

tel: 06151 460 10 53

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IBAN: DE48508501500008019630
Sparkasse Darmstadt
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Visit us

Karlstr.10, 64283 Darmstadt
daily from 13:45 - 16:30

Please make an appointment via telephone first